A. 含挥发油的药材
B. 含芳香、油脂性大药材
C. 盐炙药材
D. 易被虫、霉为害的药材
E. 蜜炙的药材
A. He is think to be the best player.
B. He is thought the best player.
C. He is thought to be the best player.
D. He is think the best player.
A. He is rumored to escape to Dublin.
B. He is rumored to have escaped to Dublin.
C. He is rumored to escape Dublin.
D. He is rumored to have escaped Dublin.
A. It is believed that the troops have crossed the border.
B. It is believed that the troops had crossed the border.
C. People believed that the troops have crossed the border.
D. It is believed that the troops have already crossed the border.