Task 3 Listen to the conversations and choose the best answer to each question.Conversation 214.[音频]
A. Exchange for a new one.
B. Repair the old one.
C. Send someone round at once.
Do nothing at all.
Task 3 Listen to the conversations and choose the best answer to each question.Conversation 215.[音频]
A. 5%.
B. 10%.
C. 15%.
D. 20%.
下列项目不属于企业固定资产的是( )
A. 机器设备
B. 办公楼
C. 生产设备
D. 订书机
A. 采购材料的运杂费
B. 买价
C. 可抵扣的增值税
D. 入库前的仓储费
企业采购工程物资核算可能涉及的账户有( )。
A. 工程物资
B. 在途物资
C. 应交税费
D. 银行存款