我们一定会共克时艰可以说:We are in this together and we will______ this, together. 空格里填:
A. break through
B. break up
C. get through
D. get out
"人类命运共同体理念"可以翻译为:the ________ of building a community with a shared future for mankind
A. vision
B. visual
C. view
D. visionary
"我坚信,只要我们同舟共济、守望相助,就一定能够彻底战胜疫情,迎来人类发展更加美好的明天!" 的英文是:”I am convinced thatthrough solidarity and __________, we will prevail over this outbreak and we all will embrace a brighter future for mankind!" 空格里填:
A. protect each other
B. common assistance
C. help each other
D. mutual assistance
A. Work together to defeat the COVID-19 outbreak.
B. Unite to confront the pandemic together.
C. Act with unityand work together in a collective response to the pandemic.
D. Unite as one like a fortressagainst COID-19.
任何电路都可能发生谐振。( )
A. 对
B. 错