
"In the recent years of economic boom, the crows have quietlyamassedgreat power." The underlined word means.

A. accelerate
B. access
C. accumulate


"In their formal speech they are asmeasuredand clear as a radio announcer from the Midwest..." The meaning of the underlined word is.

A. carefully consideredB、
B. seriously judged
C. carefully tested

"Whether they’re good-naturedly harassing an owl caught out in daylight, or carrying bits of sticks and used gauze bandage in their beaks to make their colorful, free-form nests, or simply landing on the sidewalk in front of you with their characteristic double hop, the crows have become a part of thefabricof our days." Fabric in this sentence means.

A. basic material
B. basic building
C. basic way of life

"In between sharp downward raps of his bill on the peanut shell to poke it open, hedrew me outwith seemingly artless questions.“ The underlined words means.

A. made me take part in C、
B. encouraged me to talk
C. pulled meout

I fell into it by a combinaiton of preparedness and luck.In this sentence, the underlined phrase means.

A. drop down from a higher level
B. was trapped by sth
C. started doing something by chance
