

A. Private Sub Form_DlagDrop(Source As Control,X As Single,Y As Single) bananA、Move Picture1.Left+X,Picture1.Top+Y End Sub
B. Private Sub banana_DragDrop(Source As Control,X As Single,Y As Single) SourcE.Move Picture1.Lefi+X,Picture1.Top+Y End Sub
C. Private Sub Picture1_DmgDrop(Source As Contro1,X As Single,Y AS Single) SourcE.Move Picture1.Left+X,Picture1.Top+Y End Sub
D. Private Sub Picture1_DragDrop(Source As Control,X As Single,Y As Single) bananA、Move bananA、Let+X,banan.Top+Y End Sub



A. measure
B. register
C. grade
D. weigh


A. Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Va1(Text1) If a>=0 Or a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus : MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End Sub
B. Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) Ifa>=0 And a<=100 Then Text1.SetFocus Else Text2.SetFocus : MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End Sub
C. Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a<0 And a>100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus : MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End Sub
D. Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a>=0 And a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus : MsgBox("分数错") End If End If End Sub


A. who
B. which
C. that
D. he

More and more families have moved elsewhere because they cannot ______ the noise from the

A. come up with
B. put up with
C. catch up with
D. keep up with
