
Segment 3How did he feel?It’s a pity that __1__will not be kind to us outof doors. But it will be nice _2_in the pictures nomatter what may be on the screen. It will be grandtoknow we have each other’s _3__. Won’t it bewonderful to be together — really together in theflesh, not just to know that a letter is all we cansend.I love you,Chris


“生庄公及共叔段”(左传隐公元年)中,“及”的用法是( )

A. 介词,“和”
B. 连词,“和”

“辞多类非而是,多类是而非”(吕氏春秋·察传)中,“而”的用法是( )

A. 连词,表并列
B. 连词,表转折
C. 连词,表修饰
D. 连词,表假设

“吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也”(荀子·劝学)中,“而”的用法是( )

A. 连词,表顺承
B. 连词,表转折
C. 连词,表修饰
D. 连词,表假设

“人而无信,不知其可也”(论语·为政)中,“而”的用法为( )

A. 连词,表并列
B. 连词,表修饰
C. 连词,表转折
D. 连词,表假设
