
某住宅开发小区工地,施工对象为12栋建筑高度为70m左右高层住宅楼,施工方选择QT80系列塔式起重机配合施工升降机为主要垂直运输设备。本例QT80系列塔机主要技术性能参数为重力矩800/KN〃m,最大幅度/起重载荷50m/15KN,最小幅度/起重载荷2.5m/80KN,最大起升高度附着式120m,轨道行走式、固定式均为45.5m,内爬式140m。 请根据背景资料完成相应小题选项,其中判断题二选一(A、B选项),单选题四选一(A、B、C、D选项),多选题四选二或三(A、B、C、D选项)。多选、不选、错选均不得分。 按照《建筑施工塔式起重机安装、使用、拆卸安全技术规程》(JGJ196―2010)的规定,起重臂根部铰点高度超过50m时应配备()。

A. 障碍灯
B. 指示灯
C. 风速仪
D. 标志牌



A. 法律和行政法规
B. 法律、行政法规和《湖南省行政事业性收费管理条例》
C. 法律、法规和行政规章
D. 《湖南省行政事业性收费管理条例》



A. 故意
B. 间接故意
C. 疏忽大意的过失
D. 过失

You are an enterprise administrator for Cer-tech .com. The company runs Windows Server 2008 on all theservers on the network. Two servers on the network were configured as follows: Server01:Windows Media Services server role installed Server02:Windows Media Services server role installed and is also configured a License Clearing House.You published an audio file,which is licensed by Server02 on Server01. Which of the following optionswould you choose to ensure that users are allowed to use the audio file for only two days?()

A. Modify the license on Server02.
B. Modify the key ID on Server01.
Create a new package on Server02.
D. Modify the license key seed on Server01.
