其中,a是一个表示开销的常数。例如,a=0.1,n=4时,P约为3。也就是说,由4个这种CPU组成的多机系统的性能约为3。该公式表明,多机系统的性能有一个上限,不管n如何增加,P都不会超过某个值。当a=0.1时,这个上限是 (16) 。
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
The examination system we are now using can only make the students _________.
[A] gain more and more knowledge
[B] make rapid progress
[C] remember what is taught
[D] think for themselves
听第8段材料,回答第11 ~13题。
11. What was the woman planning to do today?
[A] Type the letters.
[B] Take her son to the show.
[C] Do some sports.