企业发生的公益性捐赠支出应计入( )
A. 管理费用
B. 生产资本
C. 营业外支出
D. 其他业务成本
A. 融资速度快
B. 融资数量大
C. 融资弹性强
D. 举债成本低
E. 财务风险小
男性,16岁。因发热,经氯霉素抗感染退热,但查血象WBC 1.2×109/L,中性粒细胞 0.30,淋巴细胞0.70,血小板230×109/L,需用升白细胞药,下列哪项疗效最为确切
A. 维生素B6
B. 碳酸锂
C. 糖皮质激素
D. 重组人粒系集落刺激因子
A study of thunderclouds over the North Atlantic showed that lightning occurred only when the air temperature______.
A. around the cloud was below freezing
B. around the cloud was above freezing
C. about the cloud was lower than the temperature below the cloud
D. of the cloud was above freezing