
a. happening before a more important action or event

A. progressive
B. prominent
C. poisonous
D. preliminary


n. a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education

A. prosperity
B. profession
C. procedure
D. preposition

v.to throw sb. /sth. with force; n. an area of ground specially prepared and marked for playing a sports game

A. pension
B. pitch
C. preface
D. pint

vt. to control sth. by means of rules; to control the speed, pressure, temperature, etc. in a machine or system;

A. rejoice
B. regulate
C. pursue
D. recover

n. the unit of money in the UK, worth 100 pence; v. to hit sth. /sb. hard many times, especially in a way that makes a lot of noise

A. refuge
B. porch
C. pound
D. pint
