
Question 5

A. It is necessary for you to know your personal style first.
B. Your new fashion hides some flaws in your body instead of getting rid of them.
C. Your special market on your body will make you stand out in a crowd.
D. You can find your personal fashion style by reading fashion magazines.


Question 1

A. We want to make ourselves fashionable.
B. We want to make ourselves charming.
C. We are judged by how we look.
D. We can get more opportunities if we look good.

Question 2

A. We can all enhance our looks through clothing, makeup and jewelry.
B. We can all enchance our looks through clothing, necklaces and rings.
C. We can all enchance our looks through scarves, hats and necklaces.
D. We can all enchance our looks through earrings, shoes and bags.

Question 3

A. Makeup can make us look fashionable.
B. Makeup can change our look from ordinary to amazing.
C. Makeup can make us look younger.
D. Makeup can make us a little older than our age.

Question 4

A. We should buy expensive products.
B. We should buy cheaper products.
C. We should buy natural products.
D. We should buy the products of famous brands.
