
Listen to the following transmissions and fill in the blank with missing words.We made the go around due to ___________________downgrade.


Listen to the following transmissions and fill in the blank with missing words.We made the go around because we exceeded the _________________ limit.

Listen to the following transmissions and fill in the blank with missing words.We performed the go-around because we had a _______________ warning.

皮类中药的药用部位是指哪种组织以外的部分( )

A. 木栓形成层
B. 形成层
C. 皮层
D. 栓内层

皮类中药的性状观察注意点不包括( )

A. 形状
B. 内、外表面
C. 粗细与长短
D. 质地与折断面
