A. 对
B. 错
运行列车如遇突发列车应急故障,应及时汇报 ,服从 指挥,并运用合理的方法处置列车应急故障:如列车自身不能运行,需要动用其他列车配合实施救援。
城市轨道交通乘务员一般是指 ,主要工作是从事城市轨道交通电动列车的驾驶、应急故障处理,部分城市的电动列车驾驶员还担当电动列车在检查、维修、调试等过程中的列车操纵作业。
Which one of the following expressions can be used to introduce the important participants in a business meeting?
A. Good morning, everyone. If we are all here, let's get started.
B. Make sure everyone is here. Let's call the meeting to order.
C. First of all, please join me in welcoming Mr. Wilson from Nilson Company.