A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
A. 经济衰退;国际收支逆差
B. 经济衰退;国际收支顺差
C. 通货膨胀;国际收支逆差
D. 通货膨胀;国际收支顺差
What are the polite ways to make offerings?
A. Would you like to have some bread?
B. What do you want for dinner?
Can I help you with your luggage?
Do you mind if I take this chair?
What are the polite ways to refuseothers’ offering?
A. No, but thank you for asking.
B. Thank you, but don't bother about it.
C. No,Idon’t need it.
D. It’s none of your business.