每个战士都像真正的战士一样高大、生动。Each _______ was as big and _______ as a _________ .
这些泥人的面部特征、表情和发际线都是真人的精确复制品。The _________,expression and _______ of the _______ warriors, were exact _______ of real ones.
真人大小的战车和战马也被制造出来。_________ war _______ and horses were also made.
这支由粘土雕像组成的军队和现实生活中的任何军事力量一样有效和强大。This army of clay _______ is as_______ and strong as any real-life _________.
当你参观兵马俑时,它会让你想起秦朝的辉煌时期。When you visit bing ma yong, it will remind you of the _______ time of the _________ .