病人,男性,32岁,发热伴心悸、气急3周入院,经检查诊断为心包炎,下列哪项支持病人为急性心包炎( )
A. 呼吸困难
B. 奇脉
C. 心包摩檫音
D. 腹水
E. 腹胀
护士配合医生进行心包穿刺操作时,不正确的是( )
A. 术前嘱病人禁食2~3h
B. 术前准备阿托品
C. 第一次可抽液350ml以上
D. 抽液中禁止夹闭胶管
E. 术后待心包引流液小于50ml/d时可拔管
Where does the white feather appear in the movie Forrest Gump?
A. The beginning.
B. The ending.
C. Both the beginning and the ending.
D. The middle.
Forrest picks up the white feather and puts it in ________.
A. a book named Curious George
B. his suitcase
C. his hat
D. his school bag
Who sends little Forrest to the school bus?
A. His mother.
B. His father.
C. His grandma.
D. His grandpa.