
反应废液铬盐,对其表述哪种是不正确的 ( )

A. 铬是人体健康必须的元素
B. 铬在人体过量储积会诱导基因突变,导致多种疾病
C. 铬盐会通过风化,迁移进入土壤、地下水,在动植物体内积储
D. 三价铬对人体没有危害,所以将铬盐转变为三价态后,对环境是安全的


In recent years, global warming is becoming a concern for people all over the world. It generally causes by the 1._____________ in the amout of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)and other greenhouse gases(温室气体)in the atmosphere. In fact, it's the human activities that lead to these gases. The 2._________of fossil fuels such as, 3.______________and oil is one of the best-known causes for global warming. The bad effects of global warming are alarming. Even a rise of three degrees could 4.______________in raising sea levels. What's worse, storms and floods will become more 5._____________. Now it's high time that we took some measures to protect our planet.


A. 电路仍然正常工作,输出脉动直流电
B. 电路仍然正常工作,但输出只有半个周期波形
C. 电源因为短接,被烧毁

已知类关联如下:class Employee{ }class Manager extends Employee{ }class Director extends Employee{ }则下列关于创建对象的语句正确的是()。

A. Employee e=new Manager();
B. Director d=new Manager();
C. Director d=new Employee();
D. Manager m=new Director();

已知A类被打包在packageA,B类被打包在packageB,且B类被声明为public ,并有一个成员变量x被声明为protected控制方式。C类也位于packageA包,且继承了B类。则下列说法中正确的是( )。

B. A类的实例能够访问到B类一个实例的x成员
D. C类的实例不能访问到B类的实例
