下列关于船舶吨税的说法,正确的有( )。
A. 船舶吨税只针对进入我国境内港口的外籍船舶征收
B. 拖船和非机动驳船分别按相同净吨位船舶税率的50%计征税款
C. 吨税的执照期限越长,适用的单位税额越低
D. 应税船舶在离开港口办理出境手续时,应当交验吨税执照
The following 5 questions are based on this audio material.What did Tia Smallwood major in?
A. law
B. accounting
C. economics
D. geometr
How many female students were there in her classes?
A. only one
B. two
C. three
D. six
Which of the following words can best describe the old teacher’s attitudes towards her?
A. despising
B. sympathetic
C. worried
D. neglected