1. Complete the following statements with phrases from the above box. You may change the form of the phrases according to the Chinese given.1) __________________________________________,(原则上我们希望海关IT系统能全国一致)but in practice there are different sub-systems in various regional customs.2) _________________________________________(我们希望能在最大程度上促进贸易) on the basis of effective Customs control.3) ________________________________________(货物的是按照风险大小由低向高排列) in our IT systems for risk-management.4) We will introduce to you the concept of transaction price, ____________________ ______________________. (也就是根据海关估价协议首选的价格)5) _______________________________________ , (降息对于股市有短期影响) but in the long run it is the economy development that has the final say to it.6) We need to classify the enterprise into different categories, ___________________ ________________________. (考虑到不同企业的货物有着不同的风险)7) _______________________________________ (值得注意的是) different countries have their own specific rules of origin.8) The impact of Customs on economic development is evident __________________ ________________________. (在全球和当地层面都是如此)9) Unlike the situation in the past, _______________________________________. (企业可以自由选择在中国境内何处报关)10) When we apply the principles for Customs valuation, ______________________ _________________________. (我们首先得确认这是一起独立对等交易)