
听力原文:W: David, you play the violin, don't you?
M: I did for about 6 years, but 1 haven't practiced much since I came to college. Why do you ask?
W: I'm organizing a performance on Wednesday night. We have a piano player and several bass players, but have only one violin player.
M: Who is directing the group?
W: Janet Hanson. Maybe you have heard of her. She plays the piano in the city orchestra and also directs three small local music groups.
M: Hm, I have my violin here. But I think I'll need to do a lot of work before my playing would sound any good at all.
W: Miss Hanson will give us individual instruction as well as teach us as a group. There' re only 10 of us now. Try to join us.
M: I'm afraid I'm not a good player.
W: Oh, David. I know you can do well. We're all on the intermediate level. And anyway, you won't get a grade for the course.
M: I'll tell you what. I'll play a little this evening and see how it goes.
W: I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll expect to see you at 7 o'clock tomorrow in Room 14 of the Fine Arts Building. I hope you can come to our regular weekly meeting.

About a contest.
B. About a meeting.
C. About a course.
D. About a party.



A. 前者和后者相互决定、相互制约
B. 前者和后者并行不悖
C. 以后者为基础,推动前者矛盾的解决
D. 以前者为基础,两者相互制约、相互作用

听力原文: Many university students dislike studying history because there is little to get excited about when historical events are presented in a boring manner. However, I'll never forget my American History professor, Dr. williamson. Each event leaped from the pages of our text and became as real as the daily news report on the radio.
My favorite lecture concerned the American Revolution. Dr. Williamson set the mood for the study by imitathn4g Paul Revere, a well-known silversmith, working in his shop. The American colonists were angry because of the British control over their lives. Revere felt that war between the British and the colonists was inevitable. Then, Dr. Williaruson told us about Revere rowing across the Charles River from Boston on April 18, 1775. I can see the professor now as he raised his hand to his forehead as if he were looking across the Charles River to the Old North Church in Boston. Suddenly, Revere spotted two lanterns, a signal which meant that the British would attack by sea. He jumped on his horse to warn the villagers of the attack. Professor Williamson reminded us that the first battles of the American Revolution were fought at Concord and at Lexington, Massachusetts, the year before the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.
Never before had history seemed so alive to me. And all because a professor cared enough to put his heart into his teaching.

A. Because history professors are poorly prepared.
Because most students are lazy.
C. Because history lectures are not delivered in an interesting way.
D. Because most students feel studying history is a waste of time.

A.Working as a tourist guide.B.Helping in a restaurant.C.Working as a shop assistant.D

A. Working as a tourist guide.
B. Helping in a restaurant.
C. Working as a shop assistant.
D. Looking after a laboratory.

听力原文:W: What exactly do you mean by a friend?
M: Well, it should be someone you know you can rely on, someone who will help you if you need help, who'll listen to you when you talk about your problems.
Q: What are they talking about?

A. How to solve problems.
B. Someone whom they can rely on.
C. Someone who will listen to them.
D. What a real friend should be.
