一卡诺热机从327℃的高温热源吸热,向27℃的低温热源放热。若该机从高温热源吸收l000J的热量,则该机所作的功W= J,放出热量Q2= J 。
A ________ , often called hong niang in China, is a ________ of love.
A. matchmaker(媒人); messenger
B. messenger; matchmaker
下划线的部分如何翻译,请选择正确答案。Once you are selected as zhuang yuan you will be appreciated by the Emperor and appear in parade downtown with a red robe and a tall, strong horse.
A. 受到皇帝的赏识; 列队出现在市中心 ;伴有红袍和大马
B. 受到皇帝的夸赞; 在城里游行 ;伴随着红裙和又高又壮的马
C. 受到皇帝的赏识; 在城里游行 ;穿红袍;骑大马
There are two heroes in Chinese history: ___________and__________.
A. Yellow Emperor
B. Yan Emperor
C. Huang Enperor
If they share the same family name, they believe that their ancestors were relatives 500 years ago.下划线的部分如何翻译,请选择正确答案。
A. 姓氏;五百年前是一家。
B. 姓名;五百年前,他们的先辈是亲戚。