Tile apace at Quincy Market is now used for ______.
A. restaurants, offices and stores
B. sports and recreational facilities
C. Boston's new city hall
D. a marvelous setting for commerce
Which of the following statements is not true of scientists in earlier times?
A. They paid little attention to the problems they didn't understand.
B. They invented false theories to explain things they didn't understand.
C. They falsely claimed to know all about nature.
D. They did not believe in results from scientific observation.
The Pierre mentioned in the passage must be ______.
A. a quite ignorant person
B. a lunatic
C. an anthropologist
D. a physiologist
We can infer from the passage that ______.
A. larger asteroids are more likely to smash into the Earth
B. an asteroid will probably just miss the Earth in 2880
C. asteroids will eventually bring great destruction to the Earth
D. no asteroid was noted in astronomy logs before 1950
A. 依法行政,必须坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国三者的有机统一
B. 必须把维护党的根本利益作为政府工作的出发点
C. 必须把依党治国与以德治国有机结合起来,大力推进社会主义政治文明、精神文明
D. 必须把发展作为执政兴国的第一要务,坚持以人为本和全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展
E. 必须把推进依法行政与深化行政管理体制改革、转变政府职能有机结合起来,坚持开拓创新与循序渐进的统一,既要体现改革和创新的精神,又要有计划、有步骤地分类推进