How did Lisa compare the experience with travelling?
A. She preferred travelling.
B. She found it harder.
C. She didn't notice the difference.
D. She found it easier.
Why did she choose to work on the health programme?
A. Because she wanted to visit Bangladesh.
Because she knew it would be hard.
C. Because there wasn't any other choice.
D. Because as a child she wanted to be a doctor.
What was the worst part of the experience?
A. Digging holes to make toilets.
B. Not being able to communicate with home.
C. Not being able to communicate with local people.
D. Waiting to be told what to do.
What was the best part of the experience?
A. Trying the local food.
B. Knowing she had been able to do something useful.
C. Getting to know other people.
Digging holes to make toilets.