
The structure accompaning with the small saphenous vein in the leg is

A. Sural nerve
B. Tibial nerve
C. Saphenous nerve
D. Superficial peroneal nerve
E. Deep peroneal nerve


The structure can not be found in malleolar canal is

A. Posterior tibial vessels
B. Tibial nerve
C. Tendon of tibialis posterior
D. Tendon of flexor digitorum longus
E. Tendon of tibialis anterior

The injury of common peroneal nerve causes the sign of

A. Foot drop and invert the foot
B. Foot drop
C. Hook of the foot
D. Wing of scapula
E. Wrist drop


A. 坐骨神经所有纤维
B. 腓总神经纤维
C. 胫神经纤维
D. 臀上神经纤维
E. 臀下神经纤维

The cervical fascia that splits to enclose sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles is the

A. Superficial fascia
B. Investing fascia
C. Prevertebral fascia
D. Visceral fascia
E. Infrahyoid fascia(舌骨下筋膜)
