Some lights used as aids to marine navigation have a red sector to indicate a danger area. The limits of a colored sector of a light are listed in the Light List in which of the following manners?()
A. Geographical positions outlining the area of the sector
B. True bearings as observed from the ship toward the light
C. An outline of the area of the sector
D. True bearings as observed from the light toward the shi
A. 个人对达到一定的绩效水平所需要的努力程度的认识
B. 个人对于达到一定工作绩效之后即可获得的理想结果的认知
C. 从工作或者组织中获得的每一种结果对个人是否具有吸引力
D. 人们相信他们积极的努力会产生成功的结果和相应的回报
A. 胰源性腹水,腹水淀粉酶升高最具有诊断价值
B. 腹壁肿块较多见,多属良性病变
C. 胃部肿块多居上腹部,恶性癌肿多见
D. 小肠肿块多在脐周,中腹部,肠梗阻最多见
E. 肝部肿块特点是多随呼吸上下移动
A. 建行总行
B. 37家一级分行
C. 授权的二级分行
D. 三级分行