



A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 尿路感染
B. 急性肾小球肾炎
C. 慢性肾小球肾炎
D. 肾病综合征
E. 急性间质性肾炎
F. IgA肾病提示:患儿入院后,出现明显发热、咳嗽,查体双肺可闻及中细湿啰音,24小时尿蛋白为2g,血清血白蛋白17g/L。)


A. 检查企业领导和员工对安全生产方针的认识程度
B. 主要检查安全生产管理是否有效
C. 主要检查对过去提出的安全问题和发生的生产事故及安全隐患是否采取了安全技术措施
D. 检查对伤亡事故是否及时报告,对责任人是否已经做出严肃处理

Your company has recently acquired a new subsidiary company in Quebec. The Active Directory administrators of the subsidiary company must use the French-language version of the administrative templates. You create a folder on the PDC emulator for the subsidiary domain in the path %systemroot% \SYSVOL\domain\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\FR. You need to ensure that the French-language version of the templates is available. What should you do()

A. Download the Conf.adm, System.adm, Wuau.adm, and Inetres.adm files from the Microsoft Web site. Copy the ADM files to the FR folder.
B. Copy ADML files from the French local installation media for Windows Server 2008 to the FR folder on the subsidiary PDC emulator.
Copy the Install.WIM file from the French local installation media for Windows Server 2008 to the FR folder on the subsidiary PDC emulator.
D. Copy ADMX files from the French local installation media for Windows Server 2008 to the FR folder on the subsidiary PDC emulator.
