Automatic data conversion will occur if which of the following happens?()
A. The client and server have different NLS_LANGUAGE settings
B. The client and server character sets are not the same,and the database character set is not a strict superset of the client character set
C. The client and server are in different time zones
D. The client requests automatic data conversion
E. The AUTO_CONVERT initialization parameter is set to TRUE
A. 1/5
B. 1/3
C. 1/2
D. 1/4
IP地址(Internet Protocol Address)是由一组以小数点分隔的4个()之间的数字组成的。
A. 0~254
B. 0~255
C. 0~256
D. 0~257
A. 美元标价法
B. 浮动标价法
C. 直接标价法
D. 间接标价法