Unit 4-Exercise 7 Koala P52-53Listen to the talk and write down the missing information in the notes below.[音频]Koala is the Australian teddy bear. It is 1. __________________ feet long, with 2. __________________ seeming as if they were stuck on, and it has beady eyes but no 3. ________________. The fur is 4. __________________ in color. They are pouched mammals, not bears at all.Koalas spend almost all their lives in the eucalyptus trees and eat the 5. __________________. All the toes are armed with 6. __________________ claws, and the 7. __________________ are divided into two groups. The great 8. __________________ is thumb-like. All of these features aid in climbing. Koalas are able to spring from one upright branch to another with 9. __________________ skill.The baby is carried in the 10. __________________ at first, then it clings to the fur of the mother’s 11. __________________ until it is almost as large as the mother. Koalas become quite tame and they are great 12. __________________ at the Australian zoos and parks.
Unit 4-Exercise 11 Inventor of the telephone (1) P54-55Listen to the first part of the talk about the inventor of the telephone. As you listen to the talk, write down the missing information in the notes below.[音频]The man who invented the telephone was Alexander Graham Bell. He was born in Edinburgh,Scotland, in 1. _____________· His father and grandfather had both been teachers of 2. _____________. His father had worked out a system of “Visible Speech”, that is, a system by which a deaf person can “see” what people say by reading 3. _____________. Bell learned this system and soon he 4. _____________ a teacher of the deaf too, and he opened his 5. _____________ school for the deaf people in Canada.Through his teaching, Bell became interested in the 6. _____________ of the human voice. He thought that it should be possible to 7. _____________ sound across a distance. He worked very hard with his assistant Thomas A. Watson day and night on this idea. They made some 8. _____________and tried again after each failure.