
橱窗分析法中有哪些“我”( )。

A. 公开我
B. 隐私我
C. 潜在我
D. 背脊我


360度绩效评估法的优点有( )

A. 受评者可以获得来自多层面的反馈意见
B. 更容易得到受评者的认可
C. 可以让受评者认识到差距所在
D. 可以提高团队凝聚力和工作效率

A job posting is

A. to request something officially
B. a meeting between a job candidate and an employer
C. a posted description of an available job

A degree is

A. academic accomplishment
B. knowledge or skill achieved over time
C. a certificate for completing university

A candidate is

A. a person who holds the top position at a company
B. a person who is being interviewed for a job
C. a person who helps run an office
