
【多选题】注意的特点有( )。

A. 指向性
B. 可控性
C. 选择性
D. 集中性


【多选题】工作记忆模型中的语音回路包括( )。

A. 语音意识
B. 语音存储
C. 发音控制
D. 语音识别

【多选题】从表象产生的主要感觉通道来划分,表象包括( )。

A. 视觉表象
B. 听觉表象
C. 记忆表象
D. 运动表象

“Rather than grab a share of an existing market, as Tesla is trying to do, SolarCity is tapping into innovations to create entirely new markets, as Ford did.”

A. instead of grabbing, applying
B. despise of grabbing, applying
C. instead of grab, applying
D. despise of grab, applying

SolarCity and other installers have been huge beneficiaries of a federal tax credit for investments in solar power.

A. have benefited a lot from
B. have benefited a lot for
C. have beneficial a lot to
D. have beneficial a lot on
