
()系名菜有回锅肉、宫爆鸡丁、一品熊掌、鱼香肉丝、干烧鱼翅 、怪味鸡块、麻婆豆腐等 。

A. 广东菜
B. 山东菜
C. 浙江菜
D. 四川菜


()系名菜 包括龙井虾仁、西湖醋鱼、叫花鸡、生爆蟮片、东坡肉、干菜焖肉、大汤黄鱼等

A. 广东菜
B. 山东菜
C. 浙江菜
D. 四川菜

What philosophical reasons could we give to the method of "multi-perspective" in Chinese paintings?

A. Traditionally in China everyone is against monotony and routine, in art, one expresses this rebellious attitude towards monotony and routine by having more than one perspective.
B. They believed that Dao gave life to ten thousand things, so to understand Dao we need to analyze those many things and in art, we can do that by having several perspectives.
C. They understood that many things in the world are "fixed," but in art, we can make things alive by giving them some movement, by providing several perspectives.
D. Chinese seek to find dynamic Dao in the movements. Thus an artist tries to express Dao dynamics by constantly changing that point of perspective in the painting

Why are just two black and white colors preferred to multiple colors in paintings?

A. In ancient times, it used to be expensive to produce different colors and Chinese as pragmatical people liked frugality.
B. Not black and white, but black, red and white Chinese artists prefer in paintings.
C. Multiple colors represent chaos - the opposite of Dao, this why should be avoided.
D. Two colors - black and white - are related to Daoist ideals of simplicity and authenticity, they represent the reality as it is. Also, a line or a shape is valued more than color.

Do Chinese painters strive to present the things of daily reality exactly how they are? Why?

A. No, they do not, because for Chinese people painting was almost like a magic power that may change our daily reality.
B. No, they do not, because Daoists do not believe in the importance of daily reality, and try to escape from by drawing imaginary paintings.
C. Yes, they do, because Confucianism strongly influenced the art of painting, and they being very pragmatical believed that even paintings one should represent the reality as close as one can.
D. Yes, because they are good at observing and imitating the shape of the real world. Thus they always strive for perfection in paintings.
