
An analyst compared the performance of a hedge fund index with the performance of a major stock index over the past eight years. She noted that the hedge fund index (created from a database) had a hig

A. Understated Understated
B. Overstated Overstated
C. Overstated Understated


A company is considering the development of land acquired as an investment more than ten years ago. If developed, the property would then be used as an additional warehouse facility by the company. Th

A. Opportunitycost Opportunitycost
B. Sunkcost Sunkcost
C. Sunkcost Opportunitycost

According to the characteristics of consumer indifference curves, consumer indifference curves for any given individual are least likely that:

A. More is preferred to less.
B. Cross one another at certain point.
C. The utility of a good declines the more of it you consume.

Which of the following adjustments to the assumed useful life and assumed salvage value of a companys assets would most likely decrease the companys total asset turnover ratio?
Assumed useful lifeWhich of the following adjustments to the assumed useful life and assumed salvage value of a companys assets would most likely decrease the companys total asset turnover ratio?
Assumed useful life

A. Shorter Higher
B. Longer Lower
C. Longer Higher

According to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS):

A. Composites must include new portfolios as soon as they come under management.
B. Firms may not set minimum asset levels for portfolios to be included in a composite.
Composites must be defined according to similar investment objectives and/or strategies.
