
Introducing indifference curves into our trade model permits us to determine:

A. Where a nation chooses to locate along its production possibilities curve in autarky
B. The precise location of a nation's production possibilities curve
C. Whether absolute cost or comparative cost conditions exist
D. The currency price of one product in terms of another product


In the absence of trade, a nation is in equilibrium where a community indifference curve:

A. Lise above its production possibilities curve
B. Is tangent to its production possibilities curve
C. Intersects its production possibilities curve
D. Lise below its production possibilities curve

The use of indifference curves helps us determine the point:

Along the terms-of-trade line a country will choose
B. Where a country maximizes its resource productivity
C. At which a country ceases to become competitive
D. Where the marginal rate of transformation approaches zero

With trade, a country will maximize its satisfaction when it:

A. Moves to the highest possible indifference curve
B. Forces the marginal rate of substitution to its lowest possible value
D. Finds its marginal rate of substitution exceeding its marginal rate of transformation

Trade between two nations would not be possible if they have:

A. Identical community indifference curves but different production possibilities curves
B. Identical production possibilities curves but different community indifference curves
C. Different production possibilities curves and different community indifference curves
D. Identical production possibilities curves and identical community indifference curves
