
The “Health China 2030” blueprint mainly focuses on:

A. people’s access to medical services faster and closer
B. health insurance coverage to nationwide
C. basic medical insurance system for overall of country’s population
D. the increase of nation’s financial expenditure on health care
E. basically achieved health equity by 2030


What attributes to the increase of Chinese people’s life expectancy over the years?

A. genetic recombination
B. improved physical health for the Chinese people
C. improved social and natural environment in China
D. people’s balanced diet
E. China's strengthened food production capacity
F. rapid economic growth in China
G. positive mood of the elderly
H. effective control of infectious diseases

How has China been fighting infectious diseases like COVID-19?

A. vaccination
B. improve community environment
C. keep personal hygiene
D. develop a “healthy China”

How to make pre-listening prediction in the English news comprehension?

A. read each choice of the question in advance
B. predict the topic of the news report
C. mark the signal words in scanning all of the choices
D. forecast the way of setting question from the grammar structure of the choices
E. having positive psychology and staying calm

On Chinese short-video platform Douyin, a catchline of "say no to food waste, eat smart, live healthy" will appear at the top of the search results upon punching in keywords like "big eater" or ____(吃播).
