
19.篮球运动中,常见的踝关节扭伤部位是( )。

A. 外侧
B. 内侧
C. 前侧
D. 后侧


38.课外体育活动的实施是以自觉自愿为主,强制规定为辅的操作过程。( )

A. 对
B. 错

49.早锻炼应安排在上午第三节课后至第四节课前进行 ( )

A. 对
B. 错

Directions: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the word bank below.1) In tonight's programme ouris on Germany.2) When I went for my firstfor this job I arrived extremely early.3) The foreign minister admitted he was stillabout the situation in the country.4) She isto me, since she joined the firm before me.5) The strong sunlight hadthe curtains.6) A public opinionshows that 75% of people approve of the new law.7) There is aproblem with parking in London.8) She had a huge on her geography teacher.9) Do yougoing to see a movie sometime?10) The freedom of themust be protected.

1960年在德国发现了这一阶段出生了不少海豹肢畸形婴儿,后来研究表明这是由于孕妇服用一种叫( )的镇静及安眠剂所致。

A. 反应停
B. 安定
C. 阿普唑仓
D. FM2
