In WHO's Guiding Principles on Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation (2009), its Guiding Principle 6 declares that, "Promotion of ______________________ of human cells, tissues or organs by means of advertisement or public appeal may be undertaken in accordance with domestic regulation. Advertising the need for or availability of cells, tissues or organs, with a view to offering or seeking payment to individuals for their cells, tissues or organs, or, to the next of kin, where the individual is deceased, should be prohibited. Brokering that involves payment to such individuals or to third parties should also be prohibited."
A. forced donation
B. altruistic donation
C. nonvoluntary donation
D. involuntary donation
In WHO's Guiding Principles on Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation (2009), its Guiding Principle 7 declares that, "Physicians and other health professionals should not engage in transplantation procedures, and health insurers and other payers should not cover such procedures, if the cells, tissues or organs concerned have been obtained through _______________ or coercion of, or payment to, the donor or the next of kin of a deceased donor."
A. purchasing
B. exploitation
C. buying
D. forcement
In WHO's Guiding Principles on Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation (2009), its Guiding Principle 10 declares that, "High-quality, safe and efficacious procedures are essential for donors and recipients alike. The long-term outcomes of cell, tissue and organ donation and transplantation should be assessed for the living donor as well as the recipient in order to document benefit and harm. The level of safety, efficacy and quality of human cells, tissues and organs for transplantation, as health products of an exceptional nature, must be maintained and optimized on an ongoing basis. This requires implementation of _________________ including traceability and vigilance, with adverse events and reactions reported, both nationally and for exported human products."
A. assurance systems
B. insurance systems
C. quality systems
D. accountability systems
In WHO's Guiding Principles on Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation (2009), its Guiding Principle 11 declares that, "The organization and execution of donation and transplantation activities, as well as their clinical results, must be _______________ and open to scrutiny, while ensuring that the personal anonymity and privacy of donors and recipients are always protected."
A. covered
B. hidden
C. transparent
D. semitransparent
In 2008, California transplant surgeon Hootan Roozrokh was charged with ___________________________ for prescribing what prosecutors alleged were excessive doses of morphine and sedatives to hasten the death of a man with adrenal leukodystrophy and irreversible brain damage, in order to procure his organs for transplant.
A. dependent child abuse
B. independent adult abuse
C. dependent adult abuse
D. dependent adult assault