
Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding ethics as applied to decision making in accounting?

A. Ethics has no place in accounting, since accounting deals purely with numbers.
B. It is impossible to learn ethical decision making, since it is just something you decide to do or not to do.
C. Ethics is becoming less and less important as a field of study in business.
D. Ethics involves making difficult choices under pressure and should be kept in mind in making every decision, including those involving accounting.


电力系统“三道防线”是:( )

A. 第一道防线:快速切除故障元件
B. 第二道防线:保持系统稳定运行
C. 第三道防线:防止大面积停电
D. 以上都是

送端电网与受端电网间联络线因扰动全部断开后,送、受端分别应该采取何种措施?( )

A. 送端、受端均切机
B. 送端、受端均切负荷
C. 送端切负荷、受端切机
D. 送端切机、受端切负荷

在我国电力系统安全稳定控制体系中,第一道防线的主要作用是什么?( )

A. 快速改变发电机出力
B. 快速定位故障
C. 快速投入线路
D. 快速切除故障元件

电力系统安稳装置中通常采用的决策方法是( )

A. 离线决策,在线匹配
B. 离线决策,离线匹配
C. 在线决策,在线匹配
D. 在线决策,离线匹配
