导游在做自我介绍时,应兼顾实际需要,切不可“千人一面”,一般有( )。
A. 问答式
B. 工作式
C. 应酬式
D. 交流式
E. 应对式
为他人做介绍时,介绍者对介绍内容应多斟酌。根据实际需要不同,通常有以下形式:( )。
A. 礼仪式
B. 标准式
C. 问答式
D. 引见式
E. 简介式
在服务中使用电话时,通话内容力求简洁,表述清楚可参照“5W+How”原则,其中5W是指( )。
A. Who何人
B. When何时
C. Here何地
D. What何事
E. Why何因
A. 对
B. 错
Which of the following is TRUE about student grouping?
A. Whole class work is often adopted when the teacher is presenting new language or summarizing learning.
B. Group work is most beneficial when the activity requires contribution from more than two students.
C. Individual study often involves activities such as silent reading and doing written exercises.
D. All of the above.