Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the questions you will hear.
A. One can get an overdraft.
B. People can trust each other.
C. Everybody is insured against everybody else.
D. It can be used to rent a major automobile in the States.
Listening to an extract from the dialogue and complete the following sentences with the missing words.A: I think that what's underneath that is the society in which you`re only good if you have numbers 1____________________ you, (Mm.) that are computerized, (Yeah.) and can trace you, and 2___________________________ (Yeah.) and … that side of credit I find rather upsetting.B: It`s kind of ugly, isn't it?A: Like a lot of people, it's a great facility, if you're 3__________________________.
Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following passage.Everyday the coach took them to a 1_____________________. They got to the top on a ski lift. In their class there was one woman who could never lean how to ski. She couldn't 2_____________________ and whenever she started sliding, she would stick her ski sticks out 3___________________ her. People always tried to avoid her.One day as she was getting to the top, she 4________________ and started 5_________________ the slope. Everyone tried to jump off the ski lift to 6_______________ of the way and they all slid down the slope and ended up in a pile at the bottom..
A. 幽门梗阻
B. 急性胰腺炎
C. 中毒洗胃
D. 食管梗阻
E. 肠梗阻
A. 食管穿孔
B. 气胸
C. 误入气管
D. 鼻粘膜损伤
E. 胃穿孔