
Questions 2[音频]

A. The wealth gap.
B. Poor health care.
C. Slow economic development.
D. Unequal water resources.


Questions 3[音频]

A study of Asia's water problems and their causes.
B. MIT's new solutions to increasing water supply.
C. Scientists' prediction of climate change in Asia.
D. The future of the world's industrial development.

Questions 4[音频]

A. Economic and political factors.
B. Social and cultural factors.
C. Geographical and climate factors.
D. Human and natural factors.

世界上第一部社会保险法是( )。

A. 《疾病保险法》
B. 《工伤保险法》
C. 《生育保险法》
D. 《老年和伤残保险法》

下列哪些属于公费医疗制度的保险对象( )。

A. 国有企业在职职工及离退休职工。
B. 自由职业者
C. 高等院校的在校学生
D. 城镇集体所有制企业职工及离退休职工
