A. 对
B. 错
A. 国际债券利率一般略低于国际商业贷款利率
B. 国际债券还款期限长
C. 国际债券的偿还方式灵活
D. 发行债券更容易筹集到资金
Which statement is the main idea of paragraph 1?Which statement is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. It is difficult to predict climate change.
B. Human activities are resposible for global warming.
C. There is a dispute about global warming.
Which statement is the main idea of the second paragraph?Which statement is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. Human activities producing more wealth leads to global warming.
B. Some vested interest groups don't want to stop such human activities.
C. Prospects look bleak as no real efforts are made.