

A. 社会主义本质理论、社会主义改革开放理论、社会主义初级阶段理论
B. 社会主义市场经济理论、社会主义商品经济理论、社会主义宏观调控理论
C. 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表"重要思想
D. 经济建设理论、政治建设理论、文化建设理论



A. 坚持马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实际相结合
B. 坚决维护马克思主义的原创性
C. 依靠引证马克思对某一问题的某一论证来解决问题
D. 马克思主义理论是神圣不可侵犯的教条

A.Distributing free condoms and promoting needle exchange.B.Learning from the experien

A. Distributing free condoms and promoting needle exchange.
B. Learning from the experience of other countries.
C. Getting more money from increased global funding.
D. Eliminating ignorance about how HIV is transmitted.

After the war the women of the German Democratic Republic were drawn into helping rebuild their nation with the promises of equal pay for equal work and good day-care centers for their children. As a result of the government's campaign over 80 percent of eligible (有条件的 ) women hold jobs. One-third of East Germany's doctors and judges, 11 percent of its mayors and one-third of its college graduates are women.
But there are clouds in the heaven of liberation. The liberated woman is more than a little enthusiastic about the way she is liberating herself from her husband. East Germans have the eighth-highest divorce rate in the world. The reason for divorce is probably more often the competition between husband and wife than it is adultery (私通). The dominant role of man in marriage will end when his economic superiority ends. Men are more willing to joke about helping their wives than to help them in the kitchen. They still cling to the idea that housework and bringing up children are women's work. As one young East German housewife puts it, "equality means my husband and I have equal rights. Equal rights means that we both work at full-time jobs. Then I clean the house and take care of the children while he sits in front of the television set and drinks beer in the evening."
What does the sentence "There need be no struggle between the sexes so long as each sex fulfills those tasks nature has established for it to do." (Sentence 2) mean?

A. The Germans think that the pre-war housewife was oppressed.
B. It's unnecessary for German husband and housewife to fulfill their tasks.
C. It's natural that each sex do what it should do.
D. Women shouldn't struggle for their freedom.

听力原文: The first "National Sample Survey of People's Reading Trends" was successfully accomplished. The survey shows that in modern Chinese society, "reading" is not limited to books, newspapers and magazines; it is a process that can be completed through all kinds of media and by various means. It is delightful to note people's common view that reading is crucial to an individual's development.
The survey was conducted among some 3,000 adults from 12 provinces and cities nationwide. And statistics reveal that different media and different types of publications function differently in meeting people's spiritual needs. To get to know both domestic and international news, and current trends, people mainly watch TV and read newspapers; to acquire information related to their own jobs, study and professional knowledge, they mostly choose books and TV programs; while preferring TV and VCD for relaxation and recreation.
In terms of the utilization of media in people's spare time, TV has the greatest number of viewers, while newspapers, magazines, books and radio come second with regard to number of readers. Quite a few people spend a fairly long time using audio and video products and computers.
Speaking of the purpose of reading, men stress the broadening of horizon and catering for their hobbies and interests while women emphasize improvement of self-cultivation, meeting social contact and coping with tests.
According to the survey, literary books remain the favorite of people.

A. TV programs.
B. VCDs.
C. Newspapers and magazines.
D. Radio programs.
