
China’s sports have undergone several thousand years of development. But theywere not regarded as an undertaking of the state until 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was founded. Now a nation-wide network for physical culture has been set up and expenditure on this field has been included in the state budget. With the concerted efforts of sports workers and athletes, gratifying achievements have been made in physical culture and sports in the past 50 years. Today sports activities are popular both in urban and rural areas with 300 million people taking part regularly. Thanks to the rising standards of living and the development of medical care and sports, the health condition of the Chinese people has greatly improved. The average life expectancy of the people reached 71.88 years in 1981 as against 50 years before 1949. We have, once and for all, got rid of the label “The Sick Man of East Asia ”.


轿车上广泛应用的蓄电池是( )

A. 铁镍蓄电池
B. 镉镍蓄电池
C. 胶体蓄电池
D. 免维护蓄电池

轿车上广泛应用的点火系是( )

A. 传统点火系统
B. 无分电器点火系
C. 电子点火系统
D. 均不是


A. 12V
B. 24V
C. 36V
D. 15kV-30kV

当免维护蓄电池的充电指示器显示绿颜色是表示需要充电。( )

A. 对
B. 错
