听力原文: Henry Ford, the famous U. S. inventor and car manufacturer once said "The business of America is business. "By this he meant that the U. S. way of life is based on the values of the business world. A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business. Business news can appear in every section. Most national news has an important financial aspect to it. Moreover, business news appears in some of the unlikeliest places. The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as "the entertainment industry" or "show business."
The positive side of Henry Ford's statement can be seen in the prosperity that business has brought to U. S. life. One of the most important reasons so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job. However, the biggest companies are seen in opposition to labor. Throughout U. S. history working people have had to fight hard for higher wages, better working conditions, and the right to form. unions. Today, many of the old labor disputes are over, but there is still some employee anxiety. Downsizing--the laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high--creates feelings of insecurity for many.
The United States is a typical country