This is a value that is written into the code of a program.这是一个写入程序代码中的值。
A. Literal 常量
B. assignment statement 赋值语句
C. variable 变量
D. operator 操作符
When the + operator is used with strings, it is known as the:当+运算符与字符串一起使用时,称为:
Assignment operator 赋值运算符
B. String concatenation operator 字符连接运算符
C. Addition operator 加法
D. Combined assignment operator 复合运算符
What would be printed out as a result of the following code?以下代码将打印出什么内容?System.out.println("The quick brown fox" +"jumped over the \n""slow moving hen.");
A. The quick brown fox jumped over the \nslow moving hen.
B. The quick brown fox jumped over theslow moving hen.
C. The quick brown foxjumped over theslow moving hen.
D. Nothing. This is an error. 什么也没有.这是错误的。
A. \u03A6
B. 077
D. 20
表达式:1 - 2/5 +2 * 5的结果是哪项?
A. 10.6
B. 9.8
C. 9
D. 11