
Task 1 Questions 1-7Reading Passage A has eight paragraphs,A-H Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B-H from the list of headings below. Write the correct number,i-ix.List of Headings i benefit of good interpersonal relationship ii a perfect recipe for happiness iii comparison with the people nearby iv hard but happy life v a question without definite answer vi positive aspect of the strict law vii a densely populated and happy country viii pose a question ix the measures of the government1 Paragraph B 2 Paragraph C 3 Paragraph D 4 Paragraph E 5 Paragraph F 6 Paragraph G 7 Paragraph H


Task 2 Looking for Main IdeasFind the main ideas of Paragraph B-H, and fill in the blanks below.Paragraph AMain idea: People are happy for different reasons.Paragraph BMain idea:________________________________________Paragraph CMain idea:________________________________________Paragraph DMain idea:________________________________________Paragraph EMain idea:________________________________________Paragraph FMain idea:________________________________________Paragraph GMain idea:________________________________________Paragraph HMain idea:________________________________________



思想理论是社会变革的先导。这一说法( )

A. 对
B. 错
