A. 3019.53
B. 2983.84
C. 1524.15
D. 1587.65
A. 65Ω
B. 60Ω
C. 55Ω
D. 50Ω
听力原文:M Were you able to finish writing that article?
W Yes, I'm almost done. I have most of the information that I need. I haven't started writing it yet, but it shouldn't take me too long.
M Well, we have some space to fill in the Sunday edition. If possible, I'd like to put your article in the Lifestyles section. How soon would you be able to finish it?
W I just need to confirm a few quotes, and then I can start writing. I can give it to you by 9 at the latest.
What is the woman's occupation?
A. She is a writer.
B. She is a designer.
C. She is a professor.
D. She is a postal worker.
A. 先审核后勘察 先验收后施工
B. 先抽查后审核 先审核后实施
C. 先审核后实施 先勘察后施工
D. 先审核后实施 先验收后施工
关系代数中有9种操作,其中,对关系进行垂直分割,消去某些列,并重新安排列的顺序的操作是(51);根据某些关系进行水平分割的操作是(52)。在操作(53)中,选择两个关系的公共属性均相等的元组,并去掉该操作中重复的公共属性列,将得到一种新的操作(54),如果两个关系没有公共属性,则这种新的操作就转化成(55)。设有关系R(A,B,C)和S(B, C,D),下列关系代数表达式中不成立的是(56)。
A. 并
B. 差
C. 投影
D. 选择