
Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way you can avoid it, ______you

A. much more than
B. no more than
C. any more than
D. no less than


They explained the situation to the steward, who brought over some water. He told them that he______on the route for twenty-five years.

A. works
B. worked
C. has been working
D. had been working


A. 将纱布放在患儿的手中
B. 移开床上一切硬物
C. 用约束带捆绑四肢
D. 床边设置防护栏
E. 压舌板裹纱布置于上下磨牙之间

Any organization needs both kinds of people — the generalists and the specialists. It is your task to find out, during your training period, ______of the two kinds of jobs you fit, and plan your career accordingly.

A. in which
B. to which
C. into which
D. for which


A. 青霉素
B. 磺胺嘧啶
C. 氯霉素
D. 庆大霉素
E. 红霉素
