duplicate, trigger, vie, stimulate, celebrity, cajole, rival,outsell,rational,resideG20 is a forum to __________ international economic cooperation and development.
duplicate, trigger, vie, stimulate, celebrity, cajole, rival,outsell,rational,resideRumors about the recall of the latest model of smart phones originated from the ______company.
duplicate, trigger, vie, stimulate, celebrity, cajole, rival,outsell,rational,resideIt was believed that a scandal ________ the premature resignation of the business leader.
在供应链上形成的,由供方到需方的单向流是( )。
A. 信息流
B. 人流
C. 物流
D. 资金流
TPL是( )。
A. 第三方物流
B. 联合库存管理
C. 供应商库存管理
D. 多级库存