
作为幼儿教师,如何在保教活动中营造良好的心理氛围?(2017 上)


论述积极师幼关系的意义,并联系实际谈谈教师应如何建立积极师幼关系。(2015 下)

The text is written for ____.

A. a weightlifting player
B. a weightlifting coach
C. a basketball fan
D. a sports news reporter

What is true about Cheryl? _____

A. She can’t lift much.
B. She can’t run fast.
C. She can lift up much heavy things.
D. She can take a day off.

What does “What’s important is how you feel and how you act towards others” in the last paragraph mean? ____

A. Everyone should feel self-confident.
B. Everyone should act towards others positively.
C. We’re not all going to be supermodels.
D. All above.
